Elena Raimondi
From Philosophy with love.
About me
Born in Milan, I pursued my studies in Philosophy in Pavia, New York City, and London.
I fall in love with big cities and I'm beyond happy around animals. My mind feeds on learning, socialising, and experimenting.
Please feel free to get in touch with me on LinkedIn.
Currently on my mind
Went on a road trip in the Highlands of Scotland with my brother and auntie. From Glasgow to the Isle of Skye. Then along the coast, driving north across the charming wee towns of Shieldaig and Gairloch, up to Laide. A repertoire of bare canyons, lunar fjords, and stone forts in ruins. I'm in awe of Scotland once again.
Time management
Hop, duck, swing. Oh no! You're dead. Replay level. Time management must be the hardest challenge coming out of uni. Work is next-level complex, the old routine makes no sense all of a sudden, and how is it midnight already? Send help.
Code in Place
Code in Place 2021 is over. What a thrill to be part of this experimental online course and learn to code in Python with Stamford University, 1.100 teachers and 12.000 students around the world. I now revel in the outcome of my final project, a tool for language-learning that I've been wanting to build for years. I cannot wait to use it, expand it, and add new features.
Currently reading
Looking for a Few Good Males: Female Choice in Evolutionary Biology
by Erika Lorraine Milam
A deep dive into the history of science. Milam traces back how scientists since Darwin have interpreted female choice and sexual selection in the animal world, wary of the implications for the human species and society.
The Conquest of Happiness
by Bertrand Russell
Tips on how to live a happy life by my favourite thinker. Focusing on factors within our control, Russell warns against societal myths and social norms that make us unhappy. Spot on 90 years after its publication.
Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer
by Roy Peter Clark
A fun and empowering read to improve my writing skills. Written with illuminating clarity, vivid examples and playful language, each mini-chapter teaches you a new trick to write as beautifully as the author.